


15 years old


  • Soaring

    I want last year's summer back,
    the sweet smell of grass and salt and gasoline,
    drifting through the warm breeze,
    knowing a brown banana's waiting for me in the car. 
    a friend waiting at the door, in the same shorts as yesterday,
  • I don't care for

    I don't care for the way he treats her,
    she's not his barbie girl.
    I don't care for the way she loves him,
    affection of another kind.
    I don't care for the way he uses her,
    He's learned to minipulate her mind,
  • Curse

    I could curse you
    or curse at you
    or him, her them,
    I could cast a spell or insult you,
    I could change your mind or betray you,
    I could send pain throughout your body with a golden magic wand,
  • How can you

    How can you,
    Like what's new? 
    All of you,
    in your plastic,
    wannabe world. 
    Somehow you know the lyrics to any new song,
    Just the second,
    it comes out.
    I I halfheartedly learn too,