


15 years old


  • House of mirrors

    My feet slap the pavement hard and I imagine they're slapping you
    My hair brittle and feels like it'll break off into a million peices.
    I'm drenched in sweat and it's December.
    Everwhere I turn looks the same, yet no de ja vu
  • Lovr- for you if you get it

    I chipped off a part of love, 
    Not caring i'd chipped of a chunk of myself as well. 
    And don't worry, I'm not asking for anything back.
    Because you've made my life a fairytale 
    Instead of a bad soap opera
  • Fairytale

    Why does this fairytale have a taffy like taste to it,
    Getting stuck in my teeth
    While my brain pays a visit to the depths of hell. 
    Can't I stay in the safety of the mainland?
  • Butter

    We're all slicing slowly away at our lives,
    And our loves,
    Like snipping off small slices of butter with a pair of kitchen scissors. 
    If you place the butter in a pan, It'll quickly melt away, 
  • Dark time

    Leaping out of the car, I feel the salty wind hit my face like someone slapped it. 
    In a good way if you know what I mean. 
    My hood almost covers my eyes, as I stumble over to my haven,