Emily Van Dyke

Emily Van Dyke


YWP Alumni


  • Stand Tall

    You are as capable as the words you speak.

    For you to wish to feel a love for life you must learn to love what it may give you. 

    Standing stall, just by your words can give you mountains of hope. 
  • Wicked

    Wicked, go.
    Morals that reflect a part of my body that is evil,
    cast away.
    Leave, I am here for peace. 
    I am done with the lingering teeth of hate and sin.
    I am here for love and taking new steps.
  • Hate is heavy

    Hate is heavy
    it holds you down to the negatives of the world
    it misshapes your eyes to see dark colors. 
    hate is misused,
    if this is hate, your body knows before your head.
    your body hurts; pain overtakes everything. 
  • Breathe


    People with fire in their bodies will forget the boldness of breath.

    Their voice is too hot to take in what we need, but instead what they want.

    But you, you are different. You will breathe, and heal.
  • My love

    My love,

    Give yourself time to grow.  Grow.

    Like a flower, you need light to grow.   I will be your light.

    Your mind is more than chaos.   Your mind is so beautiful,
  • My love

    My love,

    Give yourself time to grow.  Grow.

    Like a flower, you need light to grow.   I will be your light.

    Your mind is more than chaos.   Your mind is so beautiful,