Emily Van Dyke

Emily Van Dyke


YWP Alumni


  • For me

    For me,

    Life is a beautiful mess.

    yes a mess can be beautiful,

    like making cookies, flour on the tip of your daughter's nose. 

    For me,

    I try to look on the not messy side of things first.
  • For me

    For me,
    Life is a beautiful mess.
    yes a mess can be beautiful,
    like making cookies, flour on the tip of your daughter nose. 

    For me,
    I try to look on the not messy sides of things first.
    because i know,
  • You are stronger

    You are stonger,

    Save your energy my love. 
    You have always been the one begging for love at the feet of dust.

    Save your mind my darling,
    Your eyes have seen so many beautiful things, far more than the bad.
  • I am stronger

    Anger in my body

    My fingers tapping with the ability to break,

    Glass like the heart; frigile, 
    but strong.

    I wish with everything i could break you
    with words from my heart.
  • This I believe

    This I believe is true,
      this love of ours.

    This I believe is real,
      the way our hearts fought for each other.

    This i believe is lasting,
      your hand in mine.

    This I believe is ​cherishable,