


15 years old


  • The Daylight

    The daylight is bruised

    it hurts more often 

    and sinks away

    to hurt in peace 

    behind the blanket of stars

    The mornings are meeker

    they shy away

    and only peek over the horizon
  • An illness

    My friends all speak
    of an illness
    that spreads
    across the world
    they giggle at the words
    Oh, the horror
    four people have it! Ahhh!

    I stare at my feet
    it really is a big deal
    that four people
  • If...

    If the sun 
    would never rise
    and light the sky
    would you still
    stand by me?
    If the world 
    split it two
    would you still
    love me?
    If the clouds
    rained on happines
    day after day
    would you still
  • Home

    I stare at the clouds

    Sitting softly in the sky

    Above the place I call home

    A small swing

    Sways slowly

    Tied to a tall tree 

    The wind whistles

    And a leaf falls to the ground