Forever young

Forever young


18 years old


  • Black and white dreams

    Sometimes I dream in black and white 
    where everything has to be one or the other.

    Sometimes I dream of sun and moon,
    painting the sky with their light and darkness,
    where one must be awake or asleep.
  • Fading

    Do you know what it feels like to fade
    when your heart breaks
    and you disappear?
    When you feel so much
    That it eventually numbs
    the very feeling in your bones?
    When you watch your emotions
    stutter out one by one
  • Wall

    This is a story I wrote in Language arts about Social Justice. I thought that it would fall under the subject of Trump trying to repeal the Asylum Law.

    I'm running.
    Fleeing my only home.
  • Inspiration

    You've done it for me
    so now I'll do it for you
    pick you up
    set you on your feet again 
    for what seems like the millionth time 

    Jealousy itself is a demon.
    it chases around everything you live for,