


17 years old


  • Yellow

    I’ve never written sidewalk poetry,
    but I want bouquets to arrive on my doorstep
    and wonder who they're from. 

    I want to meet my first love in an old bookstore
    that’s being driven into the ground
    by its owners. 
  • Honey Skies

    Honey skies
    drown vineyards,
    wine-red walls and Italian cupboards.

    I sit and am stuck behind
    the blank page. 
    Grey clouds crackle with lightning,
    but I don't feel the wind. 
    I don't see the light. 
  • teenage nighttime thoughts.

    my simple little life is
    and i love him again.

    i don't want to go,
    but my feet are already outside 
    the doorframe. 
    i say good night to a past
    and force my swollen eyes open.
    i don't want my tears 
  • olive trees and screaming skies.

    Note: I'm sorry this poem is so sad...I guess this is what happens when I listen to Phoebe Bridgers and write after it (she has beautiful lyrics, but her songs are incredibly sad). 

    i don’t understand how she can sing