


17 years old


  • Days

    I’m silent when she tells me.
    Days? Days?
    No. No. 
    No, it was supposed to be  

    She asks me if I’m okay,
    and I nod my head—
    a default response. 
  • I Want To Write a Poem

    I want to write a poem about singing,
    but I can’t—
    then I would sing the poem.

    I want to write a poem about love,
    but I can’t—
    then I would cry over the poem. 

    I want to write a poem about dancing,
    but I can’t—
  • Candy

    If there’s one thing I wish for, 
    it’s that all the bitter
    and hateful words in our world
    will morph
    into colorful pieces of candy. 

  • The Dance of Life

    I know your face like the back of my hand. 
    And today, I was told that I only have 
    a month left
    to see your face. 

    I think I understand it now. 
    Life is a clock,
    a clock with a clear beginning,