


19 years old


  • They think it’s gross

    Whistle while the clock ticks,
    only so they might never hear,
    if ever you're off pitch.

    Hold your breath when hiking,
    they all feel the same in fact,
    only pathetic people pant,
    and they of course- 

  • Grey

    It hurts to see empty space,
    the chairs around you quietly begging,
    begging to do better,
    to be more attractive,
    more interesting,
    to just say something.
    but yet-
    anything that comes out,
    it sounds wrong,

  • My Fault

    Is it my fault you looked?
    that I "gave you reason to",
    from what I see,
    the only blame,
    Shifts from me to you.

    it's uncomfortable to think,
    that one could say so easily,
    that I was wrong,
    that you were right,

  • Syd

    My good old Pontiac Grand Prix,
    the first thing I had,
    my first big thing,
    my car,

    No matter how many people tell me
    she's worthless or old,
    she's priceless to me.