


18 years old


  • colder.

    each step 
    crunching out 
    across the desolate landscape
    of ice and snow 
    the lone figure 
    with fingers curled 
    and hood drawn 
    breathing puffs of used air 
    into the silence
  • Chlorinated

    Faded from the chlorinated water 
    of too long in thought
    reaching out 
    but not far enough 
    you fall 
    only for the world to stop 
    and leave you hanging 
    frozen, stuck 
    i let go 
  • love letter to my food.

    your slightly meaty scent wafting into my nostrils
    I smile
    I had spent the last few hours walking around the largest city I've ever been in
    trying to find you
    my eyes go wide with anticipation
  • Sometimes

    I struggle 
    To reach out
    To say words
    And to make my point in a clear and positive manner
    Sometimes I let the silence thrive 
    Off my inability to speak how I feel
    And sometimes
    I have to write