Hello Dreamgirl,
I have a few questions.
Why do you never talk to me,
With your soft pink lips,
That never speak a word.
Why do your eyes shine,
As though you've been crying, -
A bunch of facts about me.
I was born on a Monday.
My mom said it was the worst Monday until I was born and then it was the best Monday.
When my mom was pregnant,
She would walk along the pier on full moons,
And I would wriggle around a lot. -
Fourteen Years
Fourteen years,
Eleven or Twelve different houses,
Three States,
Three Schools,
One Cat,
One Dog,
Billions of books,
Lots of long lost friends,
Nine cousins,
An infinity of stories,
A million songs,
So many steps, -
Hot, Burning, Anger.
Behind your eyes,
With no ventilation,
Making your whole face heat up.
Boiling your brain,
Not giving you time to think.
A heart,
Beating inside your chest,
Pain and shallow breathing. -
The Memories
You can still hear the whispers right now if you listen,
A rustle of old decrative tissue paper,
Or the sound of a knife hitting velvet lined surfaces. -
Hide Me Here
I like to hide in the shadows of things,
The dark linings of storm clouds,
And the forboding shadows that dance in the wind.