When I first met you,
you hid behind your dad.
I stood in front of my mom,
and we stared at each other.
Flash forward a month or so,
and we're in my bedroom, -
Things that I'm thinking about right now that are making me happy
Sunlight trying to reach it's rays into the dark forest,
Making the leaves look like stained glass.
Hands wraping around eachother is a protective way.
If hands could talk, they would say,
I've got you, -
Today marks a month,
That feels like an eternity.
We can't remember what it's like,
Without eachother.
An eternity of hugs and an eternity of laughter,
An eternity we know is a happy ever after.
We'd die for eachother, -
All the sides of me (or at least 75% of them)
It depends on what I'm doing.
Huh? you ask.
I depend on what I'm doing.
If I'm hanging out with my friends you will probably see that we are all very loyal and loving to each other.
I will probably be laughing. -
Why I love You
I love you because you always care,
Even when your friends are around.
Because you can make me laugh so hard I cry,
Even if I'm upset.
Because you understand me, -
I Had to Trust
I had to trust that I would wake up that morning and be ready to go.
I had to trust that the long car ride would be fun.
I had to trust that my CD's wouldn't melt or something in the hot car.