


19 years old


  • stars and rain

    every poem starts with stars
    and ends with rain
    because only a poet dares
    to stand in each of 
    these elements
    with an already filled
    as they frantically scribble in the ripped margins
  • The Forgotten People

    though ink bleeds from 
    my paper cuts and stings
    it hurts more to be left behind
    i promised i won't run away
    but I can hear them all watching
    someone else
    with baited breath
    as i slip through the cracks in the 
  • Blank ovals

    You seem to think
    I want a vote
    a voice
    a choice
    a brain behind my grin
    but all I want are blank ovals 
    and a sharpie to fill them in.

    I'd color each
    in orderly lines
    like soldiers
    they smolder
  • Soulmates

    each blade of grass
    was grown
    for you
    these birds sing your song
    this road goes nowhere just for you
    the sun gives you the gift of dawn

    these trees bear fruit
    so you
    may eat
    this stream babbles your name