


19 years old


  • Change

    Someone told me recently that to change the world 
    you first need to create change in your family
    then once you have done that
    you need to change your community
    next change your town
    and then your state
    change your country
  • Light

    light is a tricky thing
    you see it in different shades
    but it's always there
    it's funny how sometimes i worry
    but i somehow can't imagine the absense of light
    the absence of you
    it's like imagining nothingness
  • Masked

    This mask I wear
    Firmly in place
    Slips side to side 
    On the plane of my face
    Sometimes a brilliant brown eye
    Peeks through
    A worn ratty string
    The only clue
    That maybe I'm human
    Behind this guise
  • Aurora

    she was reflected like a shadow into the shifting sea
    her silhouette slipping away like a snake's skin as
    her footprints receded until she had been nowhere
    but here
    here in this fleeting moment of time
    that passes in an instant