


YWP Alumni


  • Dreamily

    I stand on the edge of a cliff
    nothing behind
    nothing ahead
    but somehow I know it's a cliff

    The sounds always vary
    the tide ebbs
    the fire flows
    but never my emotions vary

    My blanket holds me tight
  • Recipe of life

    A story. Another’s story. Your story. Is there any point to this? Once upon a time does not cut it when it comes to the here and now. Once upon a time is for those who do not tell the truth. 

  • A New Beginning?

    Here I am,
    across the world
    a million miles from home
    I'd thought for sure
    I could leave behind
    The shame from which I come

    It sticks to me
    with a cloying scent
    like blood against the skin
    with all my force
  • Letters

    Aren't we all just little letters
    Jumbled up along a line?
    Chosen for us we we're young
    And how we are defined

    Aren't we all just inky swirls
    Scrawled across the page?
    Will you truly know someone
  • Lab Rats

    Wake up
    stare at the wall
    put on yesterday's clothes

    Knock Knock
    it's breakfast time
    though you stomach will oppose

    Where do you go
    in a fifteen foot space
    treading window to door
    but still stuck in one place
  • American?

    Yes I'm American, but
    let's get one thing straight.
    Unlike my ancestors, I'm here to learn,
    not to exterminate.

    I don't stand with my country
    when this fool is in charge,
    when most of the criminals