


17 years old


  • web of thoughts

    keeping you up at night
    spinning around and around 
    a never-ending ride at the fair
    you get pulled under
    it's hard to get back out 
    millions of spiders weaving thread in your head
    each string leads to a new thought
  • Spring

    The feeling of grass beneath your feet
    The feeling of sunlight on your face 
    The feeling of ice cream on your tongue 
    The feeling of happiness 

    The sound of birds singing
    The sound of rain dripping 
  • The Waterfall

    It doesn’t hit me until I make it to the top. The view is extraordinary, the waves crashing up against the rocks and spraying me in the face. The sky’s a deep blue and the clouds look like cotton candy.
  • The purple flowers

    “I love the light this time of day,” she said to nobody in particular. She loved the way the sunlight bounced off the leaves and made them look like they were glowing.
  • The Girl In Blue

    Theres something about the woods that called to her. She didn't know if it was the chorus of birds chirping for no one but themselves, or how the sunlight hit the leaves making everything feel just a tiny bit magical.