


15 years old


  • Sarcastically sweet

    Isn't it nice
    how you always left someone else to pay the price 
    how you thought it was sweet
    the way you would treat
    people who deserved more
    And how you always used to say about yourself
    if this isn't nice 
  • Human

    I am human
    and I love it 
    because above it all
    all the quirkiness 
    it just makes me more human
    it means I am part of this messed up society 
    and you know what?
    I am happy to be
  • Unoriginal title

    This is the poem
    with the unoriginal title
    over the
    overused words
    thst come together to create a cliche
    those words that are like
    you took them from some great writers work
    and mixed it up 
  • Happy

    Are you happy now?
    Or will you only be satasfied when you have taken 
    from Us
    I hope it at the least 
    it means something to you that you have my fear