


YWP Alumni


  • flame

    Two figures, lost in wind
    in snow
    knee-deep, frozen, piling
    around their faces,
    nose rose-pink,
    eyes scratched.

    One holds the kindling.
    One holds the match.

    And the grey comes, cold, creeping
  • enough

    I know the place
    just above my eyes
    where the pressure builds.
    It fills to not-quite overflowing,
    tears refusing to 
    touch my skin.

    And if the clouds clutched their raindrops,
    refusing to release,
  • Why she'll stay

    The tree stands in a lull in the forest,
    branches like a dancer’s arms
    bent to the wind.

    Its leaves filter yellow sunbeams,
    shiver in the cold fall air,
    one by one, 
    to drift to the ground.
  • holding your shape

    Don’t let them break you.
    Don’t let them make you into something that can be molded
    like clay
    like sand
    like you belong in their hands. 

    You were never clay.
    You are breath-blown glass,
    unmelted and unyielding.
  • And then she grew up

    Mama, why do I feel so alone?
    Sometimes, you are too big for the world. You are full, too full, full to the eyes.
    Then why do I feel so empty?
    Sometimes, you are too big for yourself, too.