Silent Wolf

Silent Wolf


19 years old


  • Do you ever think about me

    Do you ever think about me?

    Do you think about how we sat at volleyball games
    And you would whisper in my ear?
    I remember what you said quite well: was it
    "Wanna get out of here?"
    You were seductive about it. Your breath
  • Texts

    Check all my boxes
    Fill out my fantasies
    Take over my heart
    Burn hot as fire
    Then turn cold as ice
    Making me chase
    I'm scared of what I say
    Becuase I'll screw up this whole thing
  • Funeral Games

    She was talking to the photos on her wall,
    Her voice half New York drawl, half secondhand smoke
    And she acted like I wasn't there at all
    Or never existed, like the photos to which she spoke—
    My grandfather—no. He was never
  • San Francisco Burning

    San Francisco is burning.
    The Golden Gate bridge goes up
    In crimson flames,
    Because its gilt design
    Was never gold, but
    Wood, wood carved and put together
    By countless of underpaid, weaker hands