Summit House-WCS

Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor


  • Never really alone

    By Romae Martone

    If I had a spirit, I think it would take form as a little girl, a younger me, if you will. A ghost of what I used to be, the younger me that had dreams of being a queen or a dancer.
  • Danger Intuition

    I have so many ideas for a sixth sense for human beings, but one, in particular, stands out to me. Examples include the ability to do any one talent of your choosing fantastically, and a heightened sense of intuition.
  • We, I

    If I had a spirit that watches over me, how would this spirit be? This spirit would be myself, a fluid self, a bit smarter self, but neither the less, myself. They look like me, act like me, think like me since I'm them and they are me.
  • The Danger Sense

    If I had a sixth sense it would be that I would know when something dangerous/bad is about to happen. How I would know that something dangerous/bad was about to happen, I would get a tingling sensation all over my body. 
  • My Guardian

     My guardian, Rosie, flew right above me. Her hair whipped in the wind. Her eyes shifted from me to my horse every few seconds. I ignored her. Frank (my dapple gray, Angelo Arab, Morgan cross rescue) and I felt like we were flying.