Yellow Sweater

Yellow Sweater


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Sign Yellow

    A city made of almost broken bricks: 
    sign yellow, 
    and dingy pizza parlors.

    There are less people walking on the streets, 
    and more cracks in the pavement. 

    The fluorescent yellow blares, 
  • The Disco Floor

    My socks are socializing on the bedroom disco floor. 
    It’s a party and we are dancing to chaos. 

    I belted my song last night, 
    tone deaf 
    and rythamless.

    Everything is screaming. 
  • Impasse

    My body is the sea. 

    A single star shines through my window, 
    a counterpoint to the writhing in my belly.  

    With the sternness of a sculpted horse, 
    I address the sky: 

    Where we meet, 
  • Writer's Block

    I turn squares into circles. 
    Because life can not be summarized by rational geometry.

    I hammer clean angles, 
    till their points are blunt enough
    to cut silence. 

    Poetry is wide and woolen. 
  • Bath Water

    Revolution is a bathtub hobby of mine. 
    I let my steam collect on the sticky green ceiling.

    The water grows tepid, 
    as I thunder through bloody thoughts. 

    Gold half glimpsed through darkness,