τό καλόν, τό ἀληθές, τό ἀγαθόν (Transedentals)
The woman wears her skin
like a bathrobe.
She stands in the middle
of a golden field,
weeping fresh water.
The Storm's Eye
The sky
blows in more snow,
a breath
from frozen elsewhere.
There is a storm
inside the silent rage
of the storm,
inside God’s eye,
‘"With your pictures you apparently want to arouse in us a feeling of having to swallow rope or drink kerosene.”
– Braque to Picasso
Maybe it’s as simple as this:
Maybe God’s hundredth name is His face. -
At the Altar
Oh Lord of Windows,
Oh Window,
Oh Mirror with Drawn Curtains,
maybe if I keep tapping,
keep drumming my fingers on your altar,
you’ll wake up. Maybe -
The Farmer's Market
my uncle grabbed a bag
of fiddleheads,
tender beginnings,
at the farmer’s market,
said he was going
to fry them
with honey, pink-
peppercorn, and salt.
the farmers bring dirt -
Mixed Metaphors Chapter 1
A light mist was pouring in off the Caspian sea. I closed my click, sighing into the dark as I pulled on a yellow, wide-legged, vinyl jumpsuit.
Music's Breath
Without sound, I am adrift,
a puppet with severed strings,
my movements hollow, my purpose lost.
But when the music takes a breath
it fills the empty space,
giving weight to each movement,
meaning to each pause. -
To Dream
maybe one day i'll see you
at a class reunion 20 years in the future
you'll have gotten taller than i am in heels
your hair will no longer be curled and bleached but
Mr. Red
There is a man on the corner of 87th and Amsterdam. I do not know him, and he does not know me. He wears a red tee-shirt with red sweatpants. He wears a red coat with red shoes. He wears a red ski mask on his face.
Coffee Runs
When I was a kid, I had a near perfect childhood. I had friends on the same street as me, and we rode our bikes around the neighborhood playing cops and robbers.
He sits 6 feet behind the sideline, wondering how the sport in front of him works. The whistle was blown and he felt a sense of togetherness. Teammates were lined up across the bench sticking out on each end by at least 3 people.
I locked eyes with him, the glowing man on the stage.
He glimmered, his red hair shining under the spotlight.
That was all it took for my heart to be stolen away.