Why I Miss Summer
Silence spreads.
It blankets churning mouths like grazing cows come frost.
Never has the silence echoed so.
Can it be nothing more than new life?
Bounding through marshes
And clover
And buttercup
And moss
And underneath that moss
Will we ever stop
Forming gaps for young children to fall through,
Teetering on the edge– –swinging their legs.
Where my Grandmother's Wisdom Dwells
My grandmother's body slowly shifts into the rock, weaving into the dead texture. Eyes faded and grey, seeing more than I will ever know, and yet nothing at all.
The Destiny of Eden
We stood at the entrance of a new age.
Past a garden of all we had ever known,
We found the gate.
Past what we were meant to know and created to be.
We Cannot Be Stopped
She wrote until her fingers carved groves in the silence and spoiled the blankness before. Then, she turned to each surface left unwrote and sang. The birch trees wept as she tore back the bark to reveal stories beneath.
Drowning, Dreaming, Demanding
It feels like drowning in expectations while trying to convince the world I can swim.
I’m always performing.
The pressure is suffocating.