I wouldn't forget the flowers
I could not end my last day
Look out over the firey red orb, hands clutching the earth in a dying shake
Clouds swirling
Telling me to run somewhere, Dorothy!
There's no place like home
But I guess soon there'll just be -
The Four Lilies
If the ground represents society
Broken, but in the right ways,
Grateful for what has been given to us
Even though the dirt is filled with pesticides and ants
Us four lilies definitley grow on trellises -
Glad and Mad
For a long time I thought I was grateful for the light
Shining, pulling me out of weak moments
Then I thought I appreciated the dark
Aha! I am a poet, I have attained deeper understanding
I no longer recoil from the dark, I thank it -
I hate the dark
But recoil at the thought of sun
An idyllic community
Slathered, lounging in joy
While I may recoil at the wisp of dark curling around the thin of my wrist -
"Guess what."
"I'm slim shady."
"Oh. Ok."
The Fence
There is a fence, you know
It seperates the living from the dead
If you walk one hundred miles directly west of the brightest star
It's difficult to get too, hard to see they say
You have given up