Pablo Neruda

Great Writers

Illustration of Pablo Neruda by Ilan Stavans

Pablo Neruda

Born in Parral, Chile, Pablo Neruda lived there most of his life where he became one of the most influential Hispanic poets of the 20th century. He was a poet, diplomat, and senator. In 1971, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was born into a working class family, and his father tried to discourage him from writing poetry, which is why he started publishing under his pen name. His birth name was Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, but he changed his name legally to Pablo Neruda. He briefly worked as the consul to Rangoon in Burma, now Yangon, Myanmar. He was a prolific talent whose poetry continues to inspire people today.

Biography and Poetry 

[Illustration: Ilan Stavans]


  • Poetry

    By YWP

    Ode to Color

    The world is alive, screaming and whispering with color.

    Color is subtle, averting appreciation.

    Color is outright, a shout against the night.

     Color is everywhere, within us, beside us,