Special Issue: Teenager Contest
What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025?
Finding the Light
Congratulations to our four winners of the Pop Up Color Contest and thank you to everyone who took time out in busy December to look for sources of light in the darkest month of the year.
Inspired by Fall
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Autumn '24 Writing and Art Contest!
a mirror to your face, a prickle to your nape
We all hold hands with murderous intent
the line between good and evil
sunday nights
sunday nights are my own.
old music in the corners of my mind
pen scratches on paper, ten thousand poems
two hundred and seventy-two
little golden lights, 4 walls
that mirror my soul.
the doors
are left open
for him
to walk through
and brightly lit
with all
he will ever need
when beside him
there is a girl
stumbling through
a dark hall
unable to find her way
slippery, sunlit silence
Once, we met.
My hair was up, and the world was coated with snow,
and you
talked to me with wide blue eyes
and a slippery smile, easy to fall into.