
Weekly Challenges



“Today is the day I change” are words we’ve all said to ourselves at least once before as we’ve swung our feet out of bed. Reflect on where this form of determination has brought you in the past, or, alternatively, write about a character who is determined to make an immediate rather than gradual change. [Art by Annika Scott, YWP]


  • Track

    She kneels down on the track

    Feeling the rough concrete on her knees

    Sweat trickling down her face like a waterfall

    Encouraging eruption noises from strangers she doesn't know

    Her head turns ever so slightly

  • I Will

    “I will!”  I said angrily. “No, you won’t!” He teased. I stormed away. Then, I came back and jumped. I was a stubborn child. And a determined one. I started to scream. Partly in fear, party because OMIGOSH I’M SKYDIVING!!!