
Weekly Challenges

Beige flower



The writer's voice is the tone, mood, or personality of the piece. Choose a tone – happiness, guilt, surprise, panic, shame, curiosity, empathy, regret, envy, relief, loneliness, gratitude, etc. – and write a mini-story (5-10 lines is enough) that showcases that tone or mood. [Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash]


  • Am I?

    I never realized I was lonely 

    Until they day I met you

    And then you left.

    And it’s not that I really knew you

    More like a friendly face

    And it’s not like we will ever be more than that.

  • Green With Envy

    I glare across the counter from my spot nestled between the folds of the brown paper bag. Stupid Gala is doing that thing again, as she has every single day, for the past, I don’t know, week?