99.9th percentile

Being tall means that I grew 5 inches higher than the doctor predicted.
Being tall means that it’s hard to find pants that reach my ankles.
    *Please let me know if you know of dress pants with an inseam over 32 inches
Being tall means turning heads, being noticed, and small children gasping in awe.
Being tall means being told you should model at age 13.

Being tall means that you don’t always love being tall.

Being tall means that I have been laughed at.
Being tall means similes likes “Giraffe” and “Tree” and “Giant.”
Being tall means boys feeling “threatened.”
    *No, I wouldn’t give you some of my height, even if I could.
Being tall means rarely seeing girls like you onscreen.
    Since when does the treasured ingenue, the standing-ovation leading lady,
    tower over her male counterpart?
Being tall seemed like the death of an acting career.
    So, so young, so, so passionate, and so, so impressionable.

Being tall means creating conversations in general.
    Conversations in which it seems I’m not always included.

But have they ever stopped to consider
That maybe “tall” means something else
To the girl who’s been graced
with it?

Being tall means I have a bigger heart to love with.
    *Let’s ignore biology for a second and focus on poetry.
Being tall means I was given a wingspan to soar
And fingertips that brush the sky;
I can grasp the stars.
Being tall means seeing the world from a perspective
    That few are born lucky enough to enjoy.

At the end of the day,
Yes, I’m tall.
Yes, I’m so much more.
No, for the thousandth time, I don’t play basketball or row for crew and I’m not interested in any other group sports. Sorry.
    (I appreciate that you think my coordination is capable of making it on the teams).

Being me means being tall.
Being me means being me.
And I’ve come to the conclusion
That being me
Is a blessing
of pretty epic proportions.




YWP Alumni

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