about she.

she has short and messy dyed red hair

she has dark brown eyes that glow in sunlight

she is silent

she is a good friend

she has fading signed shoes

she is nice

she wears her heart on her sleeve

she is me 

me is quiet

but me is loud around friends and family

me is funny

but me hates dark jokes

me is a good friend

but me doesn't have very good friends

me has many signatures on my beaded Converse

but me wants some bad names gone

me is too open

which means me can get emotional

me is okay

me is safe

me is still here

and me looks at the person across from me

and me says, "I'm proud of myself now."

and me says this to she in the mirror

because she has always been me



13 years old

More by mmae_ee

  • cold

    the morning dew falls off the leaves

    its 7:00 AM, and i am asleep. 

    i breathe deeply, in supposed sync with you

    but thats when i realize,

    i'm cold. 

    i open my eyes and yawn

  • asleep

    i was so used to you putting me to sleep and tucking me in

    kissing my forehead and singing to me

    that i never thought 

    that one day

    i would be putting myself to sleep