Advice for anyone who loves theatre

Dear fellow thespians,
Life is like a big ol' musical.
Your the lead,
Everyone else fill in as everything from supporting role, to ensemble.
The director is the world,
You can take stage directions how you want, but they're always gonna be given.
Each scene is an hour in your life,
Every act is a year.
Every song is something new in your life,
Good or bad.
Each dance carries you through when life gets boring.
Each bio for the program is made when you meet a new person.
Each will be a little different.
And the music ques up whenever it feels like it,
Because music is freakin' awesome.
This musical might be short,
But hopefully it will be one of the longest musicals ever created.
But the bottom line is that unlike in a normal show,
There are no auditions,
And no rehersals.
It's all improve, and most of its not scripted.
Make this musical the most interesting musical anyone has ever seen.
And don't wait for your cues from anyone,
If they never come around, you have to be ready to take the lead.
Don't let anyone co-write,
Make your own decision,
But let the supporting roles have a few solos too.
And let the ensemble have their own dance.
And don't always take enter stage.
Because you are the
Sidekick, enemy, younger/ older sibling, love interest, family member, best friend, or the person who picks up your book when you drop it-
In everyone else's musical.
Shine and let your name go up in lights.
Follow your dreams and always sing your heart out,
A person who loves theatre as much as you.

It's the cat


18 years old

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