
Do you think your hands will rembember mine once the prints are too creased to worry?
Your eyes will see the green in mine even after my vison's gone white and blurry?
Once yesterday is years ago will you recall the day that we married?
If I am too far away to answer, will you know where I want to be buried?



19 years old

More by ZoeBee

  • 1893

    It was just a fluke that I happened to see

    The ghost of a girl in 1893

    I didn't think much of her, tried to ignore

    But then she came 'round in 1894

    A spirit was not something that I had wanted

  • Papercuts

    Did you know that, when you wrote me, I was made of papercuts

    That I was ink and glue and wax but mostly, I was papercuts

    Did you know that, when you read me, I am made of memories