Athena and the Mysteries

One warm day in August, Athena was exploring her house while her parents went on vacation. She went up to the attic to find some stuff for her room that she was decorating. She got distracted by this glowing light through the door of the attic. She opened the door and... she found a book. The glowing stopped and the book closed! All by itself! She tried to open the book but it would not budge. She finally tried as hard as she could to get it open, and it popped right open! The glowing started again. There was this magical green mist coming out of the book. Athena wondered what it was and touched it! "Woah!" She went straight inside the book of mysteries. 

    Athena opened her eyes. Bright red question marks floated around her. “What are you doing here?” A scratchy voice asked grouchily. Athena turned towards the voice. “That’s a great question. I don’t know. What is this place? She replied,  just as she saw who the voice belonged to. “Are you a… CAT?” “Yeah. What else would I be? Anyhow, you’re in the book of mysteries. Any mystery in life… The answer is here.”  Athena turned around as if expecting the door to the attic, but just as she feared, it was not there. She turned back to the cat. “Your cute and all,” Athena said quietly to the cat “But I do not want to stay in whatever this place is. I want to go back home. Not stay in this messed up world of yours, no offense.” “Fine, fine.” said the cat. “ You will have to do a certain task for me. I want you to find out as much as you can. Then you have to bring the information back to me. You must find five pieces of info. You have three days. Your time starts… NOW!” “Ughhh! I already told you! I do not want to stay here!” The cat laughed. “I’m giving you the best option. You do this for me, I do that for you. The other option is that you just stay here forever with me. Those are your two choices. Which one do you choose?” Athena sighed. “I’ll do the first option.” “Good choice. Then for real this time, your time starts… NOW!”

    Athena looked around. “What type of information does this cat want?” She wondered. “Just any random information? I don’t get it!” “Ha darling, that’s where you’re wrong.” A sweet voice spoke. “The cat just wants to know more about you. You have to just find information that you find interesting! That’s all it is!” Athena didn’t know where the voice was coming from, but she decided to trust it. “Let's think…” She pondered. “Things I find interesting… Space, aliens, rockets, sports, and dance. “Wait a minute… That’s five things! I just need to find things on all of those topics! That was easy, just like the voice said it would be!” she exclaimed. “One question though, where do I find the information about those things?” Athena thought. 

All of a sudden these magical bubbles started floating all around her! They had a bunch of different clues in them for her topics! A bunch for space, a bunch for aliens, a bunch for rockets, a bunch for sports, and a ton for dance too! “This has all the answers!” she shouted! The scratchy cat voice started to whisper. “Bubbles, bubbles soon be gone, take all the answers with you to….. ummm, prom! Ah ha ha!” “That wasn’t a really good, bad spell.” Athena shot back to the cat. The cat just shrugged, then disappeared.

Athena turned back to the bubbles. “The cat said that the bubbles will be gone soon so I should get to work.” She thought, determined. “What happens if I try to touch the bubbles?”  Athena reached out to one of the bubbles, the one about dance. As soon as her hands made contact with the bubble, she knew everything possible about dance! “Yes!” Athena cried, as she continued to do that with the rest of the bubbles. 

The last bubble, SPACE! That was her favorite! As Athena leaned in to touch the bubble… Poof! She was… IN SPACE!?? “How could this be? I am breathing in space! Cool but weird at the same time.” Athena said “Hellooooo? Voices? I AM IN SPACE! Umm, you help me when I don’t need help but now when I really need help you aren’t even  here? RUDE!” Athena shouted, supposedly to the cat. 

That was just when she heard the cat laugh. “Ahhh! This is hilarious! You’re dreaming girl. Open your eyes and you’ll be back! Either way, ha! That was funny…” Athena counted to three. One, two, three! She opened her eyes and there she was, right back where she had first landed, when she first entered the book. “Hey! You said I would be back at home and it was all a dream cat!” said Athena. The cat rolled it’s eyes at Athena. “Fine! I’ll make it happen. Close your eyes and on the count of three you will be at home. One, two, three! Poof! She was definitely back at home but… Meow! With the cat!  Athena sighed. “I guess this just means more adventures with you cat.” 

                                                                                                     The End 




13 years old

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