The Beach

If I had to live one moment I would go to the beach, the ocean a lot of the time looks so clear. I love going swimming, being in the sand and making big sand castles. I would go surfing, if I got tired I would just lay in the sand and let the hot sun hit me. I love looking at the cool seashells; they are all different colors and sizes. You can also go fishing if you want or go paddle boarding. It is so cool looking at all the crabs and snails.




18 years old

More by Kcotter

  • The Beach

    For the Fourth of July I go to Seattle to my Grandma and Grandpa's beach house. I get to see all my cousins and most of them are 3-6 years old. During the day you can go to these big firework tents and my uncles get so many fireworks.
  • Dreaming

    I have had the same dream before. This dream was me walking around outside and then all of a sudden I fell in a big hole like Alice in Wonderland, but I just kept falling. When I am falling I feel butterflies in my stomach.