this fire was no news to me,
this has happened before,
the orange sky was vivid to me,
it was bright and scary.
many people thought it'd go away on itself,
the fire would put itself out with a few buckets of water,
but do you understand now?
few buckets of water won't stop the screaming red flames.
the flames that ruins peoples lives,
animals and humans lose their homes.
lose family members.
lose everything they've worked so hard for.
do you understand now?
this is a real threat,
big and scary,
and do you think,
this time you'll do more about it?
i pray for the kids and adults and animals to live another day,
away from the sharp red and orange flames,
i pray they are safe,
i pray everyone and everything will be okay.
Posted in response to the challenge Los Angeles Burning.
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