Butterflies and las Estrellas de la Noche

Note: This poem is half in Spanish and half in English, because I'm taking Spanish in school and wanted to see if I could write a poem in Spanish! I ended up writing some of it in English, and had to use Google Translate a tiny bit. I apologize in advance if there's any Spanish grammatical errors!

Yo tengo un cuento para tu, 
ella dice,
and I imagine butterflies flying
in cream-colored skies. 

Tu corres como si el viento 
is chasing you, 
y me pregunto por qué,
because you say you love the
air that gives you life. 

Ella nada en mares de lavanda,
bebiendo aire azucarado 
y baile en las estrellas de la noche. 

Scraps of paper flood his room,
crumpled with scribbles
and spit.
It's the world of a storyteller,
he tells me. 

Pero yo no quiero esa vida,
so I line my paper with black dots instead
y espero que él esta viviendo en un mundo
que él ama. 

Do numbers and equations make sense to you?
¿O vives en tu mente?



17 years old

More by GreyBean

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    in my head, the one you created when you 

    fell to the ground and pulled me down with you. 


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