Callie's Chocolate

Once upon a time, in a land of crystal blue skies, sat a chocolate shop. This land did not know of clouds, they simply didn't exist. Back to the chocolate. Callie's chocolate made chocolate known throughout the world for its creaminess. To attain this texture the chocolate went thorough a vigorous process where all the fluff (yes, chocolate has fluff), was removed. There was just one problem. Everyone wanted chocolate, so more and more fluff was being produced. One day, a worker tossed some of the fluff outside because there was beginning to be a fluff overflow. To the worker's surprise, the fluff floated up into the sky and become a perfect shade of white. The worker began to throw more fluff outside until another worker caught on and realized a problem. Tossing fluff outside one handful at a time is a very inefficient process. Everyone was stumped until someone thought to install a big metal pipe to pump fluff out of the shop and into the sky. But eventually townsfolk started to see these big clumps of fluff in the sky. "Clouds," they called the fluff. The townsfolk got upset, and almost demanded that production be stopped, but then realized that they still got their chocolate, and clouds weren't so ugly after all. They allowed the chocolate business to continue, and soon everyone forgot about the chocolatey origins of clouds. You too could choose to ignore it, but next time you take a wonderful bite of chocolate, look up to the clouds, and think of how they really got there.



13 years old

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