Camel's Huh?

Wind whipping across my face,
tiny pebbles crumbling below me,
people surrounding me.

I seem so small and helpless up there on the large mountain,
while I feel like the world is sitting in front of me on a silver platter, just waiting for me to take control.
I can see everything, from miniature houses all the way to powerful gods up in the mesmerizing puffs of white.
The sight is so beautiful and breathtaking, but can seem very simple at the same time. 
How can such a place make me feel so alive?
So taken?
So... happy?

Camel's Hump did more than just astonish me, but it gave me more to see,
more to hope for,
more to feel,
and most importantly...

more to love.

Scarry Night


16 years old

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