Inspiration is a fickle thing.
It toys with my emotions.
Fool's spring,
it instills false confidence,
making me feel like I
could change the world,
sitting on my couch
in my flannel pants
Life Through Literature
Someone asks me, “What is your favorite book?”
I say, “I do not know.”
How can I choose?
How, in this world of
thousands upon thousands
Sisters – a Set of Three
#1. A Sister's Lament
Don’t tell me you didn’t know
that the shirt you’re wearing is mine
and then treat me like the bad guy
when I say “take it off” and you say
forever grateful
To be grateful,
is to be at peace,
to feel lucky
for life.
When my mom agrees
to getting my haircut
even after a morning full of presents.
When my sisters tell me they
love me,
A late night in October
Chilly hands
close to purple,
arms wrapped tight around my chest
like ribbon on a birthday gift,
pillow case gripped tight in my fist
the fist that I can barely move
as the wind flits past my shoulders,
Conversations with a violin
Strings speak to me
as no other does,
but not with words,
not in a world that is ridden
with so many words.
When I was young
it was
but now
A Letter to Congress
I will kneel on broken glass as
my blood stains the pearly sheen so that
you will see I've resorted to my last option: begging
before you (as a woman should be) to rip
But then
i haven't written in five months,
and i regret it every day
my room is a mess,
but i don't know where to start
the homework is piling up,
and my perseverance is dwindling
i need to practice more,
i remember my first day of middle school
i was wearing washed-out jeans and a t-shirt from Target
my short brown hair was parted to the side
autumn's embrace
as fall starts rolling in
and summer slows to a stop
i like to imagine many things,
everything, nonstop
i imagine the sweet, sweet song of hooting owls after dark