Can't Get Me Out of Your Mind Part 2 of chapter 1

You must read part 1 first before you read this part 2

She dragged me all the way back down the hall, down the stairs, down another flight of stairs, and to my room in the basement. My room wasn’t like the bedrooms in the basements in the movies where they are all gross and dungeon like, no mine was actually quite a nice bedroom. I designed it just the way I wanted it. Sky blue walls, a big queen sized bed, a TV, and a bathroom off to the side. I also had glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling that I had stuck there when I was little with my father. Sometimes when I am sad at night I look at those stars and pretend I am staring at the night sky. I walk over to the mirror above my dresser and examine myself in it. My wavy dark brown hair, and my hazel eyes, which were more brown than green, and my light blue jeans paired with my white T-shirt and black nikes gave me sort of a troublemaker look. At least in my mother’s eyes. She was always telling me to dress girlier. Whatever that meant. I took a strand of my almost ebony hair and put it up into two low pigtails. And pulled on my black jacket. It wasn’t like a parka or a winter jacket more like a sports jacket. I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. As I drifted into nothingness I was happy that tomorrow I would get out of this place for the day and go to school.

“So, Roxie, what did you get on the test?” I looked at my friend Nathan as his face lit up. He obviously got a good store. Also I could hear his thoughts, though I try to ignore them to give people privacy, but his thoughts were so loud it was hard to ignore them. He got 91% and 7 out of 8 questions right. I didn’t want to tell him that I got 100% and 8 out of 8 questions correct. I got the bonus question correct too.

 “I got a um… 87% and 6 out of 8 questions correct. His eyes glowed with pride. 

“That’s okay Roxie you will do better next time.” He said sympathetically, but from his thoughts he was smug that he got more questions correct than me, “That was a hard quiz.”

I nodded and looked back at my desk.

After school I walk Nathan home and stay at his house to do homework with him. I didn’t want him to know that I lived in a mansion. It might make him think differently of me. He probably suspects though from my well taken care of hair, and very clear skin and from the way I talk and my manners. Not from my clothes though. I refuse to wear anything a normal teenager wouldn’t. The only exception is me going to this private school. I like the teachers. They let me wear leggings instead of my skirt for my uniform. And my parents forced me to go because they are friends with the principal and her husband. Sometimes they come over to my house and it is always a little awkward, since you know, she’s my principal. So we walked into Nathan’s house, which was a little bigger than an average home. We walked up the stairs to his room which had anime posters wherever you turned. He was always trying to get me to watch some but I preferred to watch sitcoms. I just love how relatable and yet not relatable they are. I looked up from the desk in Nathan’s room I was sitting at and looked at him. He was staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and he looked away with red splashed on his cheeks. He was staring at me like he was trying to know what I was thinking. Not in an adoring way. Of course I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking I lied about getting a bad score on the test. He came over to the desk and we started on the homework. He started talking about formulas and equations but my mind wandered off elsewhere. He seemed to be getting it on his own so he was okay for a bit. My mind was on. How this kid next to me, was a whopping two years older than me! I know I skipped a couple of grades but I never really thought about it until now. But I guess if I hadn’t ever thought about it before it didn’t really matter. I mean I guess it doesn’t really matter if me, a thirteen year old is friends with Nathan a 15 year old. So I tuned back into the conversation and started nodding and uh-huh ing to whatever he said.




15 years old

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