The old clothes you grew too big for
The leftovers you didn’t want to eat
The phone that was too cracked, too worn
The cups you just couldn’t bother to properly treat
Never to be used again, left to rot, cast aside
The old clothes you grew too big for
The leftovers you didn’t want to eat
The phone that was too cracked, too worn
The cups you just couldn’t bother to properly treat
Never to be used again, left to rot, cast aside
Can you imagine the life of a fly?
To hover around idly,
In the area of higher beings,
Feasting on their remains,
Escaping when they see you
I don’t think enough people
Consider the value of being nice.
Hold a door open for
Someone you don't know.
Give a sandwich to
One day, on a dry summers night,
A winged monster swooped in, looking for a fight
It burned and it broke everything it could find,
Then it left, leaving carnage behind
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