The coming of autumn

I woke up one morning
to crisp air and leaves
the color of sunsets, 
shades of red, yellow, and orange, 
standing out against summer's last breath, 
hues of green blending with autumn's sparks,
soon to grow to a blazing inferno, 
a flame,
one of nature's many works of art, 
not permanent, 
but temporary, 
though sure to come back once more, 
and there is just something in the air, 
a sensation of renewal, 
a new beginning, 
that lets me know
that things may change, 
but like the slow metamorphosis of the seasons, 
change can and will bring new opportunities, 
oppurtunities to show the world your strengths, 
and to find where you fit in,
in this changing beauty that is our Earth.




14 years old

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  • Lullaby

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