Conflicting feelings, in my brain
In my heart
As I lay awake
Not entirely sane.
Conflicting thoughts, all knotted up
How do I untangle
Fix what I've lost?
How do I make sense of it?
How do I do it?
Why do I feel so much
So full like I can't get through it?
My heart is in molasses
My head up in the starry sky
But my body's rooted firmly to the ground on which I lie.
I say so many things
Not all of them true
Exaggerations, declarations
As all of us do.
I feel hope
I feel love
I feel power and calm
I feel beauty
I feel pain
I feel everything so strong.
It all conflicts in the center of me
My heart and my head
Won't let me be.
What is my future?
What is my past?
Should I right my wrongs, or will
They get tired of that?
I make so many mistakes
Of course, I am human
But who am I really?
What is my truth?
I ask myself these questions
Lying in bed
Unsure, scared, and anxious
Of what lies ahead.
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