A Constantly Moving City

The stones on the walkway were smooth and rounded, the same as the stones that towered above me in the fence surrounding the school. A warm breeze blew down the street. It picked up multi-colored, crinkly leaves and sent them fluttering down the road. Their twists and twirls gave the empty street some sense of life. The only other movement in the street was my body as I carefully avoided the potholes littering the sidewalk. My boots created an echoey clomping sound reeling throughout the street. The sounds bounced back and forth between two buildings before changing direction and running all the way to the end of the street. The sound stopped at the red hexagonal sign, waiting for cars to pass that would never show. 

Muddy slush glistened in the culvert. It was piled slightly higher than the edge of the sidewalk creating a muddy stream to my right, and the red bricks that made up the old, crumbling building were fading to muted shades of gray and brown. The stone wall to my right housed feet and feet of moss and little flowers that sprouted from the cracks. I took a deep breath and was able to get the faintest whiff of the pastries baking in the coffee shop around the corner. Soon enough I would reach the end of the cold, lonely street and reenter the world of fast cars, loud people, and a constantly moving city. 




17 years old

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