
There are so many things in this world.

So many things I could write about.

Love, frilly, pink, soft

Cloudy, foggy, angelic,

With jagged edges, the heartbreak that threatens your world,

A knife that hides among the flutters.


Crashing like a wave,

Destroying, feeding, hungry.

Dark and red

Rimmed with black

Sharp and lethal

Dangerous and powerful.

But just as quickly, the torrent fades to sadness.

Blue, smooth, gently coasting among the waves,

And then it crests a hill and becomes elation, joy,

Rising up to the rafters, finding the sky

Lifting you to the clouds, which take you higher and higher

Up to outer space, where the exhaustion sinks in,

Plummeting you,

Downwards further and further

Until the stars pierce your body

Attack you with the rage of the silence of millennia, stolen from them

And you fall

Fast and hard

Back to the earth

And there, right there

Is you.

Your person.

Incredibly tiny.

Overwhelmed by the enormous emotions that consume you.

You are no match

For where they take you;

Caverns deep and dark and endless,

Underground with the lava and soil,

Or up, up, and away,

Into the sky for a brief period of time

Before reality

Comes back.



13 years old

More by QueenBee

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