Crow Queen part 12: crow, i'm sorry

I ran faster than I ever had. So fast I didn't realize I had stopped. I was in Crow's arms.

"Crow! Please, we have to leave. This place doesn't matter anymore." I grabbed his wrist and began to sprint for the clearing into forever, but he stopped me.

"Raven, I'm hungry." He had this guilty, hungry look on his face.

"What?" I asked, in disbelief.

"Please, can I eat you? Like the crows always do." He smiled sadly.

I dropped his hand, backing away into the clearing.

"Come with me as I am whole, or stay in this evil forest. I won't ask again." My lips began to tremble. How could my only escape do this to me?

"Please," He took my hands. "Just once? And then we'll leave and go where ever you want to go."

"No." I tried to run for the clearing, but he pulled me back. He began to gnaw on my forearm as I screamed out in agony.

"Leave me be! Please!" I cried, the deep gashes in my skin leaking blood.

I knew what I had to do.

Setting my free hand ablaze, I pressed my hand into his neck. He fell without struggle, dead before he even hit the floor.

I held my sweet boy. He was just like the rest. He wasn't different. But I still loved him.

The sun shone so bright through the clearing.

I collected myself and let him go, slowly stepping into the unknown.

It was beautiful.



15 years old

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