

It’s something that all of us have done

At some point or another.

Yet it is a sign of weakness!?

And I say that is false.


I say that it should be a sign of strength.



You don’t need a reason.

Just cry.

Crying to cry is good enough of a reason as any.



14 years old

More by GhostSlayer

  • Worry

    Sometimes I worry that I will get treated differently because of my differences.

    I know that it probably won't happen in school with teachers

    but you can't stop kids from doing anything 

    not in middle school

  • A river of tears

    Every day when we stand for the pledge I feel like a curtain has fallen over me.

    holding me down.

    I remember who is president for the next four years.

    And I want to cry.

    I want to sit down and cry a river of tears.