the fabric beneath my soles brushes against the concrete
cut and cut by the rough edge of this stone world
i come across a bill
raising it to my nose i breathe life and death,
that faint, mysterious scent that has
no name at all
fabric or paper? who knows, those above my head might as well
oh, i was happy, oh, i was sad
i pushed it into my failing pocket and sniffled, the light smell wandering out
oh i was happy, i could have my entire world
oh i was sad, i couldn’t savor it for long
i lay in in tall grasses, damn you bill, i see you again
the dirt sullies my skin, i know, i know, you want me to return
these two mirrors in front of my eyes, i want to pluck you off and be done
damn you bill, you permeate my nostrils and remind me
this stupid game i cannot leave, these stupid shoes i cannot kick off
the blue sky above me expands only to what the mirrors let me see
take me back to my damn home, dissolve me into the sand
let me smell the fresh tulips, before damned bill contaminated me
before it made us rotten
the rare taste of sugar falls into my mouth, a devouring cavern of earth
the dirt solidified into a being of hurt
a short, dumb girl of 17
that knows everything but nothing
that sees only beyond those two mirrors
twin glasses that hold, no, desire the drugging pleasure of living
you stupid bill, damn you and all that hold you in abundance
rotting corpses that feel the flesh of breathing sweat and drown it in more salt
flushing us away from our bodies to spawn more diamonds, more pearls to harvest
i’ll swallow it all, damn you bill
this solidified dirt of 17 will swallow you whole
until you bow down to me
until you
let me hear the laugh of my sisters, their sweaty cheeks curved like the waxing moon
let the wrinkles fade away from mother’s face, let her go beyond her wildest dreams
let the old man take a sip of water, sitting until his bones melt into a warm, content puddle
let the young woman of 20 kill her destiny, smearing the blood of her enemies through her poems
let tired father hug me and never let me go, until he fades into a precious memory of the son of joy
let us live together, before you made us rotten.
damn you, bill.
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