Day In the Woods

A day in the woods,
could reveal many things.
Unknown creatures,
astonishing sights,
living things that we 
haven't discovered.
A day in the woods,
could show us 
that we may have believed.
as I prance around,
touching the moss,
hearing the chirps,
living the green,
I come to something 
that makes me stop,
and wonder.
In front of me lies a sheet 
of blue,
falling lightly to the river
that never
stops flowing. 
I could continue along the flawless path 
in front of me,
or I could let my curiousity get the best of me.
What could lie behind the water?
The water that is either blocking my way 
to something new,
or is simply there to display its beauty.
I walk quietly on my toes,
stepping across stones
and small mounds of dirt,
that feel somehow
When I reach the wall of very light blue,
I stop and tilt my head back.
What a fantastic view.
Almost like a road 
that leads to the sky.
The neverending,
cloudy sky.
I raise my arm and slowly push it into 
the great fall of water. 
The icy touch of it tickles my skin,
and I smile.
My arm slides back out and I 
realize that it is dry.
How interesting!
I step into the water and 
feel it surround me. 
All I can see is a world of blue,
and I stop walking for a moment,
to take in the smell
of spring,
the sound of running water,
the taste of moist air.
After a moment,
I notice that my hair,
my arms,
my legs,
are still completely dry.
Isn't it odd,
how you can feel like you
are being submerged in water,
but aren't even truly wet?

I decide to keep moving,
and when I do reach another similar 
sheet of water,
I simply walk through.

As I emerge from the waterfall,
the whole world seems gone.
All that is left is me,
and the moon.
The ground is white with a bit of gray,
and it is fantastic,
but the truly amazing part,
is the sky.
The stars.
They seem so close,
so close that maybe a could touch them.
And there is a noise,
a new noise.
Something around me is speaking in hushed voices,
not using words,
but simply
It is too beautiful to leave,
so I stay all afternoon,
all night,
and all morning,
listening to the conversations 
that I can not understand,
dancing on the ground
that I have never danced on before,
thanking the world for leading me to
this indescribable,
day in the woods.

Scarry Night


16 years old

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