Dear Idiots

dear idiots 
I know you're looking for someone to hurt 
I wish I could say 
you can't hurt me
that you can try 
but it won't work
that would be a lie
the truth is 
your words will get to me
the words of all the idiots 
get inside my head
repeating over and over 
pounding at my skull
till I either want to cry or rip you to shreds

to all the idiots
I wish I could say I pity you
but I don't
when  I see you I just want to yell
and scream
and tear my  long fingernails into you and make you hurt
I want  to tear my words into you
and make you cry
and scream
and hurt


have to be the bigger person
because I don't wish pain like that on others
not really at least
but at the back of my mind
I fel maybe 
jut maybe
if you knew the hurt you brough on others
you wouldn't be such
an idiot

Doctor Who


17 years old

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